St. James Church
St. James Church, Burnopfield is your Parish Church if you live in Burnopfield, The Leazes, The Lintz, The Hobson and Crookgate Bank and Dipton.Welcome to St James Church ! We are a small, friendly church in Burnopfield, a village in County Durham.
We have a strong tradition of prayerful worship and community service, as well as playing a key role in the life of the village.
You are assured of a warm welcome, both at our regular services and also at our special services held to mark Christmas, Easter and the other significant events in the church calendar. We also plan a number of community-based events throughout the year.
Our services
We currently hold one service a week, a spoken Eucharist each Sunday at 11am. As we are currently in an interregnum this will be carried out by a visiting priest. On some Sundays the service may be limited to Morning Prayer. On the first Thursday of the month morning prayer will be conducted
You can also access streaming services from Durham Cathedral via the Durham Cathedral Facebook page.
The Parochial Church Council of St James, Burnopfield & Dipton is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and nurturing environment for everyone, especially for children, young people and vulnerable adults.
You can find out more about this in detail by visiting the safeguarding page on this site.
Please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor Beth Miller 07968 034075 beth.miller@durham.anglican.org as a point of contact .
150th Anniversary for St. James’ Burnopfield – Diocese of Durham.
On Sunday November 26, Bishop Paul presided over an anniversary eucharist .
For more information of the service and the history of the Church please click on the link https://durhamdiocese.org/150th-anniversary-for-st-james-burnopfield.php
Prayers for the Ukraine .
Prayers for the Middle East.
O God of all justice and peace we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land.
Be with those who need you in these days of suffering; we pray for people of all faiths – Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land.
While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace, we also call for you to bring justice and equity to the peoples.
Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children for to all of us you are our Heavenly Father.
In Jesus’ name we pray.
Suspension of Presentation.
Following a recent meeting of key interested parties the Bishop of Durham has signed a Notice of Suspension of Presentation to the benefice of Tanfield with Burnopfield and Dipton.Attached is a copy of the Notice .
Restructuring of the Deanery
At a recent Deanery Synod Meeting a decision was made that we would be part of what is known as The Derwentside East Group.
We will be sharing a Priest with Harelaw church, and covering the areas of Harelaw, Annfield Plain, Burnopfield and Dipton.
This is a very positive step towards installing a new Priest, who will live in Burnopfield Vicarage.We have been informed by our Archdeacon that the advert for a Priest for Burnopfield and Dipton, Annfield Plain and Harelaw is now on the Diocesan website. Closing date 28th January Interview date 26th February.
The attached document provides further information : www.churchofengland.org/consultation
Fundraising .
Thank You :
We are delighted to announce that St. James and the Community Hall has been awarded a total of £2,438.51 from the Co-op members. The support given is very much appreciated.
Can you help?
St James church relies on the generous donation of time, talents and money by individuals to maintain its buildings and ministry.
If you would like to donate, you can do so using your Smartphone by scanning the QR code below:
Many individuals and families are finding it difficult to feed themselves during the changes within the economy which have affected family incomes and increases in the cost of living. If you are able to help or support our local foodbank, donations can be made at the Burnopfield Coop or in church when open. Your support would be much appreciated. A huge thank you to Harry Charlton for all the work he has done over the years delivering our food bank collections to Stanley. Harry is unable to continue arranging this at the moment so thank also to Phil Partington for coordinating the regular deliveries to Stanley going forward.
Services & Upcoming Events.
Event Information:
Sun10Sep2023Sat16Sep202311:00 amSt James Church
Trinity 14
Notice sheet September 10 CLICK TO OPENth (1)
Rev. Martin Saunders will lead the service
Readings: Exodus 12. 1-14
Mathew 16, 21- End
Reading by Roy Beckwith